Synopsis: Deep in the heart of turn-of-the-century India, a young mongoose is adopted by a British family. "Every well-bred mongoose hopes to be a house mongoose someday," narrates Orson Welles - and indeed, bushy-tailed RIKKI-TIKKI-TAVI does just that (and more) in this exciting Rudyard Kipling classic. Protecting his "family" to the death, Rikki battles Nag and Nagaina - two hideously evil cobra snakes who want to kill the humans in order to safely hatch their eggs. (Dvd empire)
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Extra Features:
Bonus Story
Yankee Doodle Cricket
Meet Chester the cricket, Tucker the mouse and Harry the cat and their fanciful account of what really happened during the Revolutionary War. YANKEE DOODLE CRICKET is a playful patriotic salute to both our nation's heritage...and humor.