Synopsis: Thieves' Highway is set in the world of "long haul boys" who drive by night to bring their goods to the markets of American cities. Ex G.I. Nick Garcos (Richard Conte) is a tyro trucker bent on satisfaction from the man responsible for crippling his father-ruthless market operator Mike Figlia (Lee J. Cobb). Along the way, he is seduced by siren Rica (Valentina Cortesa) and drawn into the San Francisco produce racket-landing him in a web of treachery and heartbreak. The Criterion Collection is proud to present this searing melodrama from master Jules Dassin.
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Extra Features:
Audio commentary by Alain Silver, editor of Film Noir Reader and author of Raymond Chandler�s Los Angeles
New video interview with director Jules Dassin
Trailer for The Long Haul of A.I. Bezzerides (2004), the documentary on writer Bezzerides, author of the novel Thieves� Highway, featuring interviews with Bezzerides and Dassin
Original theatrical trailer
A new essay by film critic Michael Sragow, author of Produced and Abandoned: The Best Films You�ve Never Seen