Synopsis: Pacific Coast Academy, an all boys boarding school is accepting female students for the first time since the school was established. Zoey's (Jamie Lynn Spears)little brother Dustin (Paul Butcher) is currently a student there. Zoey decides to be one of the first girls to become a student at PCA. This is very exciting, but also very scary. Fitting in at a new school is hard enough, but going away to boarding school and living on your own when you're only thirteen can get a little crazy, especially when the girls are heavily outnumbered by the boys...
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There is 1 additional edition of this movie in other regions
Behind the Scenes with Jamie Lynn Spears and Sean Flynn
Zoey 101 Set Tour
Zoey Cam
Bonus Episodes
Quinn's Date: Zoey plays matchmaker at PCA and sets Quinn up on a date with her crush, Mark Del Figgalo. This comes as a shock to Mark, and an even bigger shock to Mark's girlfriend!
Little Beach Party: Exams are over and everyone's ready to par-tay! But when one of Quinn's inventions goes wrong, Zoey and her friends end up on a deserted beach!