Synopsis: The Adventures of Spin and Marty was an overwhelmingly popular series within The Mickey Mouse Club. Featured here is the entire first season (1955) about freckle-faced Spin and wealthy city kid Marty at the Triple R Ranch summer camp.
Adding to the fun are exclusive interviews with the original cast members and a special tour of the original filming site. And, presented for the first time ever, is Tim Considine's screen test for the role of Marty - the character he persuaded the producers not to cast him in. So saddle up and enjoy all the stories - the ones you know and the ones you don't.
There are no other editions of this movie in the current region (region 1).
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.
Extra Features:
Cast Interviews
Introductions by Film Historian Leonard Maltin
Collectable Art Enclosed
Tim's screen test
"Return to the triple R"
Behind-the-scenes still frame gallery
Merhandise and publicity
Memorial gallery
The Mickey Mouse Club #25, November 4, 1955: An Introduction To The Adventures of Spin and Marty
Back In The Saddle With Harry Carey, Jr.