Synopsis: For the uninitiated, imagine a Hellraiser movie filming immense Robot Wars UK style machines on the set of a Skinny Puppy music video... there's big metal stuff blowing other stuff to flinders, with an occasional twitching carcass thrown in. High art for technofetishists, gearheads, nihilists and such... not for vegetarians, kids or the weak.
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There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.
Extra Features:
The Following SRL Films, in their entirety:
"A Bitter Message of Hopeless Grief"
"The Will to Provoke"
"The World Premiere of "The Delusions of Expediency: How To Avoid responsibility for Social Disintegration by Acting Without Principle Under the Pretense of Utility"
Special Editions of the Following SRL Documentaries: