Synopsis: A practical joker and trouble maker Heathcliff struts through life in search of new ways to torment Spike the neighborhood bulldog or to woo Sonja his beloved fancy feline girlfriend. At home he is bane of Grandpa's existence but adored by Grandma and Iggy Nutmeg his human owners. Joined with Heathcliff is The Catillac Cats gang a band of junkyard cats with there leader Riff Raff a short cat with a tall sexy feline girlfriend named Cleo and a Cadillac car that can change into almost anything. Riff Raff's get-rich-quick schemes and search for good eats have the rest of the gang Hector, Mugo, and Wordsworth constantly in and out of trouble and adventures
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Extra Features:
Interview with Heathcliff's Cartoonist, Peter Gallagher
Heathcliff was born in 1973 when cartoonist George Gately began drawing him as a newspaper cartoon panel. Now drawn by his nephew, Peter Gallagher, Heathcliff is enjoyed by millions of newspaper readers everyday.
Heathcliff Through The Years
A click-thru gallery of Heathcliff cartoon panels from every year since his first appearance in 1973.