Synopsis: A docu-drama about filming "From Dusk Till Dawn." Sarah Kelly takes a non-union film crew onto the set and on location near Barstow of this independent, non-union production. Camaraderie and a constant eye on the shooting schedule dominate interactions. Tarantino and Clooney mug for Kelly's camera; Rodriguez, Lewis, and Williamson talk about craft; we watch scenes being shot; and, Kelly asks crew members why they do what they do. Also, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees protests the non-union status of "From Dusk Till Dawn;" executive producer Lawrence Bender tells his side, and Kelly talks to a Variety reporter and others. What's the nature of an indie film?
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.