Synopsis: Blue's Clues is an award-winning, play-along, think-along, half-hour animated series. The show stars a live-action host named Joe and an energetic, bright blue puppy named Blue. In each episode, Joe invites viewers into his computer-animated storybook world to help him and Blue solve the day's puzzles.
There are 14 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.
Plus 2 Bonus Episodes From Playtime With Periwinkle!
Blue's Big Mystery
Someone is building a fort in Blue and Steve's yard! Help Steve discover the mystery builder by collecting clues-Blue's Clues!
Periwinkle Misses His Friend
Periwinkle misses his old home in the city and his friend Plum. What can Periwinkle do to feel better about missing his friend? Help Steve play Blue's Clues to figure out a solution!