Synopsis: Blue's Clues is an award-winning, play-along, think-along, half-hour animated series. The show stars a live-action host named Joe and an energetic, bright blue puppy named Blue. In each episode, Joe invites viewers into his computer-animated storybook world to help him and Blue solve the day's puzzles.
There are 14 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.
It's Reading Time at Steve and Blue's house, and there's so much to R-E-A-D! Everything has words on it-from the pages of a storybook to the Thinking Chair to Steve's Shirt. To figure out what Blue wants to read, Steve will need preschooler's help to find Blue's Clues-in the Living Room, the Kitchen and even inside a storybook!
Steve wants to buy one new crayon that costs two Blue dollars. And to figure out what Blue wants to buy, Steve needs to find three Blue's Clues. It's a day of counting, adding, and subtracting as preschoolers help Steve and friends prepare for a picnic and purchase presents at the Present Store!