Synopsis: Dora the Explorer is a half-hour animated children's television series starring a 7-year-old Latina girl and her friends. The show is designed to actively engage preschoolers in a play-along, computer-style adventure.
Dora the Explorer teaches children how to observe situations and solve problems as they explore Dora's world with her. Along the way, kids learn basic Spanish words and phrases, as well as math skills, music, and physical coordination. The show is highly interactive, and Dora's young viewers are encouraged throughout the show to respond to Dora and to actively participate in the adventure through physical movement.
There are 33 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.
Plus Two Bonus Episodes From Swing Into Action Videocassette
Berry Hunt
Dora and Boots are hunting for sweet, juicy blueberries and they need your help to get to Blueberry Hill. Help them row across the Icy Cold River and swing over the Prickly Forest. But watch out for Swiper the Fox, and other surprises on Blueberry Hill.
Sticky Tape
Benny the Bull needs some Sticky Tape in a hurry. His hot air balloon is leaking air, and he's headed right for Crocodile Lake! Dora and Boots bring the Sticky Tape to Benny so he can fix his balloon.