Synopsis: A big shark terrorizes sleepy vacation town in this action/adventure/horror classic. Dated for today's special effects purists, but sure-fire plot, colorful characters make this a favorite for suspense fans.
There are 5 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 7 additional editions of this movie in other regions
filled with fascinating background information and rare behind-the-scenes and historical footage about the film's production, including interviews with director Steven Spielberg, screenwriter/author Peter Bentchley, stars Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Scheider and Lorraine Gary and the production team members on the creation of "Bruce" the shark
Deleted scenes
"Shark World"
an educational look at sharks, the truth behind the Jaws legend
"Get Out Of The Water" shark trivia game
Storyboards & Production drawings
The original Jaws theatrical trailers x 3
Production notes
Cast & Filmmakers notes
Production Photo Gallery