Synopsis: This bloody slasher film from director Juan Piquer Simon concerns a chain-saw wielding madman who is roaming a college campus in search of human parts for a ghastly jigsaw puzzle. Stars Christopher George as a police Lieutenant and Lynda Day George as a police woman who goes undercover as a tennis instructor. Cult horror audiences will love this film that includes plenty of gore, unintentional humor and of course lots of gratuitous nudity.
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* Monte723 (Added movie on September 29, 2005)
* brandonearly (Updated movie on September 23, 2012)
The disc information on this page was generously updated by:
* Jack Grendel (Added disc on May 2, 2006)
* SirDonk (Updated disc on November 22, 2008)