Synopsis: This is the story of Melvin, the resident geek at the local health club. One day, Slug and Bozo (some resident jocks) chase Melvin around the club and Melin ends up plunging out of the window into a tub of toxic waste. Melvin is transformed into The Toxic Avenger and he is a geek no more! Toxie fights crime and gets revenge on his enemies like a true hero.
There are 4 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 3 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Intro and new commentary track by Lloyd Kaufman, Creator of The Toxic Avenger!
Numerous Fan projects including cartoons, original short films, re-inactments and many more!
Scenes from the hit stage show, "Toxic Avenger - The Musickill"
An updated "Where in the World is Toxie?"
New interviews with original cast members Robert Prichard, Dan Snow, Mitch Cohen and Michael Herz
A rare and highly anticipated on-camera interview with Michael Herz, Vice President of Troma and Lloyd Kaufman, President of Troma Ent. & Creator of The Toxic Avenger!
'Make Your Own Damn Movie" - Film School In A Box!
Original Theatrical trailers for 'The Toxic Avenger," parts 1 through 4