Synopsis: Dora is a cute little Hispanic girl with mismatch clothes who goes on adventures with her little red boot wearing friend, conveniently named Boots. During he adventures we also get to meet her talking backpack or mochila and the map who sings an annoyingly cute song. The show plays out almost like a computer adventure showing a mouse on different scenes where the kids make a decision. Dora asks your kids questions and then waits for a response.
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Extra Features:
Bonus Episodes:
What Happens Next?
The wolf huffed and puffed...what happens next? Dora uses her imagination to add an exciting adventure to the end of the story! Join her journey through some classic tales.
The Magic Stick
Dora and Boots find a magic stick that will do a magic trick atop the Highest Hill. But to get there, they'll need your help to figure out all the ways to use that Magic Stick!