Synopsis: Billy Bob Thornton deliversia wickedly funny performanceiin this hilarious hit from theidirector of School of Rock. Morris Buttermaker (Thornton), former pro ballplayer-turned-exterminator, expectsito make some easy money coachingia struggling Little League team called theiBears. What he gets isia ragtag group of inept players who transform theifield of dreams into theistuff of nightmares! Taunted byian arrogant rival coach (Greg Kinnear), pressured byihis new employer (Marcia Gay Harden), andichallenged byitheiBears, Buttermaker must somehow step upito theiplate andihelp his players become something they never imagined they could be:ia team.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There is 1 additional edition of this movie in other regions