Synopsis: Based on Laura Hillenbrand's best-selling novel, this true story focuses on three very different men who bring a knobby-kneed, undersized horse to incredible heights.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 5 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Explore more of Seabiscuit's stunning rise to celebrity status through historic newsreel footage of actual races and numerous interviews, including interviews with director
Gary Ross and author Laura Hillenbrand!
Anatomy of a Movie Moment
Director Gary Ross shares his step by step filmmaking process of one sequence from script to screen in this DVD Exclusive!
Photo Finish: Jeff Bridges' On the Set Photographs
Actor and longtime photographer Jeff Bridges presents his own personal selection of photographs made during the filming of Seabiscuit.
Bringing the Legend to Life: The Making of Seabiscuit
Take an in depth guided tour of the filmmaking process from sets, to casting, costumes and more!
Feature Commentary with Director Gary Ross and Filmmaker Steven Soderbergh.
Disc Information:
Single Sided, Dual Layer
Single Sided, Dual Layer
Disc Audio Information:
Disc Subtitle Information:
English (Closed Caption), Spanish (Espanol), French
The disc information on this page was generously updated by:
* heen2001 (Added disc on December 18, 2005)
* heen2001 (Updated disc on December 20, 2005)