Synopsis: William H. Macy ('Focus') stars in this inspiring family drama based upon the original story "Gigot" written by legendary entertainer Jackie Gleason. Broken water pipes and busted doors are all part of a day's work for Gigot (Macy) the gruff, mute superintendent of a crumbling urban apartment building. But in the space of one fateful year, he'll discover there are some things that can't be fixed with duct tape and power tools: things and people that can only be made whole again with the power of love and forgiveness. Also starring Ned Beatty ('Network'), Catherine O'Hara ('Orange County') and Don Rickles. 'The Wool Cap' introduces the remarkable Keke Palmer as an abandoned youngster who steals - and helps mend - Gigot's heart!
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.