Synopsis: In the far future, the remote desert world of Dune becomes the epicenter of a spectacular struggle that will spark a revolution, furfill an ancient prophecy, and forever change the galactic balance of power.
Other movie(s) found on this disc or in this box set: Dune
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There is 1 additional edition of this movie in other regions
Audio Commentary by the Dune production team: John Harrison, Ernest Farino, Harry Miller, Greg Nicotero, Tim McHugh
Willis McNelly on Dune Featurette - Willis McNelly author of the Dune encyclopedia gives insightful perspective on Dune and his long time friend Frank Herbert.
The Lure of Spice Featurette - A behind-the-scenes look at the production of the film.
The Color Wheel Featurette - Lessons of life and light with Master Cinematographer Vittorio Storaro
Walking and Talking with John Harrison
Exclusive Interview wit the Writer/Director of Frank Herbert's Dune
Defining The Messiah Featurette - Talks with religious scholars, such as Rabbi Mordachai Finely, Elaine Pagels, Munir Shaikh, and Jungian psychologist Gabrielle Bodo.
Science Future/Science Fiction Roundtable Featurette - Distinguished Science Fiction writers Harlan Ellison, Octavia Butler, Michael Casutt, and Director John Harrison discuss with award-winning inventor Ray Kurzwell the emerging technological paradigm shift and the moral issues that surround it, moderated by Arthur Cover.
The Cinematographic Ideation of Frank Herbert's Dune - essay by Vittorio Storaro
Photo Gallery Including Stills and Sketches from Film