Last Metro, The
Audio Track(s):
Subtitle Track(s): None Available
Number of people who have this disc in their collection: 1
Winning an incredible ten French Academy Awards in 1981, The Last Metro is one of Truffaut's most highly acclaimed and popular films. Starring Catherine Deneuve and Gerard Depardieu in magnetic performances, the story is set in Paris, 1942, during the Nazi occupation of France. When Lucas Steiner (Heinz Bennett), the Jewish owner of the Montparnasse Theatre, is forced into hiding, his wife and lead actress Marion (Deneuve) takes over. Desperate to keep both the troupe and Lucas alive she stages a new play, which must be a success to continue.
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There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 2)
There are 3 additional editions of this movie in other regions
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1: |
Single Sided, Dual Layer |
1: |
English |
None Available
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* mibabur (Added movie on October 14, 2005)
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