Synopsis: Astronaut John Crichton, on an experimental space mission, is accidentally hurled across the universe into the midst of an intergalactic conflict. Trapped among alien creatures wielding deadly technology and hunted by a merciless military race, Crichton is on an epic odyssey more spectacular than anything he has ever imagined.
There are 48 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 14 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Building Zhan - An in-depth, +30 minute interview with Virginia Hey (Zhaan)
Farscape In The Raw: "The Flax" & "Through The Looking Glass" - Scenes from never-before-released director's cuts of these exciting episodes from Season 1!!
Deleted Scenes
Season 2 Bloopers
"Listening In" with Composer Guy Gross: My Three Crichtons
Actor Biographies - Anthony Sincoe (D'Argo) & Virginia Hey (Zhaan)
Character Backstories - D'Argo & Zhaan
Cool Farscape Facts
The Farscape Chronicles - Behind the scenes information about every episode by Paul Simpson (Farscape: The Illustrated Companion)