Synopsis: With Richard III, Laurence Olivier—as director, producer, and star—transfigures Shakespeare’s great historical drama into a mesmerizing vision of Machiavellian villainy. Olivier’s performance, viewed as the greatest of his career, charges Richard with magnetic malevolence as he steals his brother Edward’s crown through a murderous set of machinations. His inspired direction brings to the screen superlative performances by veteran theater actors Ralph Richardson and John Gielgud and the young Claire Bloom.
Commentary by Playwright and Stage Director Russell Lees, Joined by John Wilders, Former Governor of the Royal Shakespeare Company
Great Acting: Laurence Olivier, a 1966 BBC Interview With Olivier, Hosted by Renowned Theater Critic Kenneth Tynan
Gallery of On-Set and Production Stills and Posters, Featuring Excerpts From Olivier's Autobiography On Acting
12 Minute Television Trailer With Olivier, Producer Alexander Korda, Production Designer Roger Furse, and Other Crew Members at Work in Shepperton Studios