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Bustin' Bonaparte

Synopsis: Two orphans mourn their lost parents while living under the care of their chubby Aunt Sannie. Gentle Otto the farm manager looks after his son Waldo and also gives the two girls love and understanding. Waldo and the girls are best friends. Things change when Bonaparte Blenkins (Richard E. Grant) shows up and he melts Aunt Sannie with his advances. But nobody can kid these kids. They know he is up to no good and he just wants to steal her money. He is mean to the children and eventually gets Otto out of the way. With no choice and no one to turn to the kids set a trap for Bonaparte. With the help of the farm animals and Oswald the Ostrich they try to expose him for the fraud he is. Will their plan succeed?

Directed By: David Lister Genre: Drama
Cast: Luke Gallant, Richard E. Grant, Kasha Kropinski,
Karin van der Laag, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Anneke Weidemann
Year of Production: 2004


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Bustin' Bonaparte
Bustin' Bonaparte (DVD, PG)

Region: 1
Released: Apr-4-2006
Run Time: 90 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* Chizzmo (Added movie on April 15, 2006)

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