Pokémon is the story of a young boy named Ash Ketchum. Finally having reached the age of 10, he receives his first Pokémon from Professor Oak and sets out on his Pokémon journey. Along for the ride are his five best friends: Misty, Brock, Tracey, May and Max. Together, they journey through the Kanto, Orange, Johto, Hoenn and Battle Frontier Leagues.
Ash takes every opportunity to capture a Pokémon, Misty trains Pokémon of the Water type while Brock prefers Rock types. Tracey travels around sketching Pokémon. May started her journey for the sights and not the Pokémon but then decided to enter Pokémon Contests. Although Max has no Pokémon, he helps the group out with his handy PokéNav skills so as not to get lost but they still do from time to time.
Directed By: |
Michael Haigney, Jim Malone, Kunihiko Yuyama |
Genre: |
Adventure / Animation / Anime / Family / Kids |
Cast: |
Michael Haigney, Tara Jayne, Jerry Lobozzo, Nathan Price, Andrew Rannells,
Scottie Ray, Kayzie Rogers, Jonathan T. Ross, Veronica Taylor, Jimmy Zoppi |
Year of Production: |
1998 |
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* drfsupercenter (Added movie on March 10, 2006)