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Synopsis: Counter-terrorism expert Thorold Stone (Jeff Fahey) is still trying to put the pieces of his life together. His wife and daughter vanished. Why? How? In his investigation of an underground resistance, he discovers a conspiracy that leads right to the heart of the new global order. Would a true Messiah lie? The World Government of One Nation Earth (O.N.E.) is distributing virtual reality headsets to everyone on earth. What will happen when the world puts them on during the i"Messiah's Day Of Wonders"? Stone discovers a sinister plot that only he can stop. But to do so, he must first decide in what, and whom, he believes. With eternity and millions of souls at stake, the climax will challenge every viewer to examine their own place in the battle of good and evil!!

Directed By: Andre van Heerden Genre: Action / Adventure
Cast: Carol Alt, Jeff Fahey, John Hagee,
Leigh Lewis, Nick Mancuso, Tony Nappo
Year of Production: 1999


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Revelation (DVD, PG-13)

Region: 1
Released: Nov-28-2000
Run Time: 98 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* l8nights (Added movie on March 7, 2006)

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