Yu Yu Hakusho - Spirit Detective
"Yu Yu Hakusho" is a shounen (young teen male) fight series that excels above others in this genre. The first season introduces us to the character of Yusuke Urameshi, a young punk who's single act of charity in giving up his life to save a young child causes the defacto ruler of the Sprit World ,Koenma-sama, to give him a 2nd chance. As such, Yusuke is assigned cases in which youkai (demons) criminals are on the loose and must be defeated. Yusuke is joined in this by former rival Kuwabara and ex-criminal youkai Hiei and Kurama as well as cute Botan (similar to Death) who serves as their intermediary and guide.
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* arizona1121 (Added movie on December 30, 2005)
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