Star Blazers - The Quest for Iscandar
In the late 2100s, the planet Gamilon, a world far beyond Earth's Solar System, declares war on all of Earth. The nations of Earth fight as one against the Gamilons, but, Earth's fleets are defeated. When the Earth refuses to surrender, Gamilon begins bombarding Earth with Planet Bombs, which gradually spread deadly radiation all over Earth, forcing what's left of humanity to retreat to underground cities. Queen Starsha of planet Iscandar contacts Earth and promises to provide Cosmo-DNA that can remove the radioactivity and restore Earth to beautiful life. She provides plans to an engine that will allow a group of technicians to journey more than a 100 thousand light-years to Iscandar, obtain the Cosmo-DNA, and return to Earth.
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* arizona1121 (Added movie on December 30, 2005)
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