Hot Body: Sexy Sports Special
Whack some balls with Tabitha Stern and golf with Ariel. The fact that they end up in the buff shows their best skills. Cory Lane goes jogging and Mica shows you her stretching/fitness routine. Don't worry, garment removal occurs quickly. Lisa Lin goes for a swim and promptly loses her suit. Brittany Love takes a sub down to go diving. Sasha Michaels holds her own in the kick boxing ring while Antoinette shows you her rollerblading skills including an unclothed skate-around. The greatest croquet match in history pits Hall of Famer Avalon Anders against contender Roxanne Galla. Grab your mallets boys.
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* arizona1121 (Added movie on December 29, 2005)
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