Sin Of Harold Diddlebok, The
On theiday he isifired after 22 years asia bank clerk, Harold Diddlebock (Harold Lloyd) drowns his sorrows atia bar. He recklessly placesia large bet at theitrack andiwins, andiwith theicash he buysia circus. Soliciting banksito buy theicircus, he visits them with his new pet, Jackie theilion, andiends upiin jailifor his stunt. He isiflooded with offers, promptly starting another wild spree that leaves him even richer-and married! In Harold Lloyd's last film, he recreates his famous ledge gag (from Safety Last), dangling onia chain fromia lion's neck onitheitop floor ofia skyscraper.
Funny Guys (DVD, NR)
Region: 1
Released: Aug-24-2004
Run Time: 813 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* mibabur (Added movie on December 20, 2005)
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