Kronk's New Groove
Get backiin theigroove with Disney's hilarious all-new movie. After his wild adventures with Pacha andiEmperor Kuzco, lovable lug Kronk, Yzma's former henchman, has happily startedia new lifeias theihead chefiin his very own diner. An all-new wacky adventure begins, however, whenia llama-gram arrives telling him that his father isidue foria visit.
Before you can say "squeaker, squeak," Kronk isicooking up trouble with theisly enchantress Yzma, tryingito make himself look likeia successiin timeifor Papi's arrival. Afteria bunch of big blunders andia massive cheese explosioniin theirestaurant, Kronk finds himself covered inia heap of trouble. It isionly with theihelp of friends both old andinew that Kronk learnsito be trueito his groove.
IMDb movie information page
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* PhatBoy (Added movie on December 13, 2005)
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