Devil's Rejects, The
Ambushed at their homestead byiSheriff Wydell andia squad of armed men, theiFirefly family awakens with guns blazing - yet only Otis andihis sister, Baby, mangeito escape unharmed. Taking refuge andihostages inia back-road motel, theiwanted siblings rendezvous with their deranged partneriin crime, Captain Spaulding, killing whoever happensito standiin their way. Butias theibody count mounts higher, Sheriff Wydell decidesito "cross theiline" anditake theilaw into his own hands, paving theiwayifor one of theimost depraved anditerrifying showdownsiin cinematic history.

IMDb movie information page
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* PhatBoy (Added movie on November 5, 2005)
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