Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Sailor Stars
The fifth season of the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon series. The first portion of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars finishes off the "Sailor Moon Super S" series. The second deals with villain Sailor Galaxia, who wants to find powerful star seeds in people which will enable her to reign chaos over the entire galaxy. To find them, she sends out the Anima Mates Iron Mouse, Aluminum Siren, Lead Crow and Tin Nyanko. Meanwhile, the Sailor Senshi meet three teenagers who are musical idols. Unbeknowst to them, these teenagers are actually the Sailor Starlights, warriors in search of the Princess of their planet which was destroyed. This is the final series in the "Sailor Moon" saga. 34 episodes.
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars
IMDb movie information page
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* sailorneorune (Added movie on October 18, 2005)
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