Basquiat tells the story of the meteoric rise of youthful artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. Starting out as a street artist, living in Thompkins Square Park in a cardboard box, Jean-Michel is "discovered" by Andy Warhol's art world and becomes a star. But success has a high price, and Basquiat pays with friendship, love, and eventually, his life.
Build a Fort, Set It on Fire
IMDb movie information page
Basquiat (DVD, R)
Region: 1
Released: Sep-3-2002
Run Time: 106 minutes
Basquiat (DVD, M)
Region: 4
Released: Apr-11-2003
Run Time: 106 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* Marino (Added movie on April 14, 2005)
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