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Haunted House

Synopsis: Wealthy Mrs. Blake is found brutally murdered, sending shock waves through her small town. Jimmy Atkins, an office boy at the local newspaper, and Mildred, the niece of the paper's editor, become amateur detectives to help Jimmy's friend, Olaf, who was falsely accused of murder. They suspect the suspicious owner of a local gas station, Mrs. Blake's nephew, to be the real killer. When he is proven innocent, Jimmy is fired from the paper. With help from Olaf, a lucky break leads them to the eerie house where Mrs. Blake once lived. There, Mildred finds the evidence that leads to a hidden fortune and the unexpected identity of the killer.

Directed By: Robert F. McGowan Genre: Classic / Drama / Suspense
Cast: George Cleveland, Henry Hall,
Marcia Mae Jones, Jackie Moran
Year of Production: 1940


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Haunted House
Haunted House (DVD, NR)

Region: Free
Released: Mar-8-2005
Run Time: 69 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* donservo (Added movie on April 1, 2005)

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