Calendar Girls
Set in the small town of Rylstone, England, this brit-wit comedy follows 11 middle-aged women who pose naked for a calender. The goal is to raise money for medical research, after the husband of a one of the women becomes terminally ill from leukemia.
IMDb movie information page
Calendar Girls (DVD, PG-13)
Region: 1
Released: May-4-2004
Run Time: 108 minutes
Calendar Girls (DVD, 12)
Region: 2
Released: Feb-9-2004
Run Time: 105 minutes
Calendar Girls (DVD, Tous Publics)
Region: 2
Released: Jul-28-2004
Run Time: 104 minutes
Calendar Girls (DVD, PG)
Region: 4
Released: Sep-13-2004
Run Time: 103 minutes
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