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Bermuda Triangle, The

Synopsis: Director Rene Cardona Jr. has managed to make a very convincing horror tale set square in the Bermuda Triangle - still one of the greatest mysteries on Earth. This place, which has reportedly swallowed up hundreds of ships, planes and human lives without even a trace, now reaches out to devour the Marvin family and their crew of underwater photographers and sailors who have come to photograph the ruins of a sunken city. Once in the grip of the Triangle, the crew begins to experience bizarre happenings, starting with the reception of a radio broadcast from a ship which had disappeared a hundred years ago!

Directed By: Rene Cardona Jr. Genre: Horror / Thriller
Cast: Mario Arevalo, Alberto Arvizu, Claudine Auger, Rene Cardona, Al Coster,
Miguel Angel Fuentes, Andres Garcia, Gloria Guida, John Huston, Hugo Stiglitz
Year of Production: 1978


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Bermuda Triangle, The
Bermuda Triangle, The (DVD, NR)

Region: Free
Released: Jan-25-2005
Run Time: 112 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* donservo (Added movie on February 16, 2005)

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