Quirky, short-lived TV-show centers around a recent graduate who decides to live in a trailer and work at a tourist gift shop in Niagara Falls called Wonderfalls. Her aimless life takes a startling turn when a lion figurine begins talking to her
Directed By: |
Jamie Babbit, Marita Grabiak, Todd Holland, Allan Kroeker, Peter Lauer, Michael Lehmann, Peter O'Fallon, Jeremy Podeswa, Craig Zisk |
Genre: |
Comedy / Drama |
Cast: |
Caroline Dhavernas, Katie Finneran, Neil Grayston, Tyron Leitso, Toby Malone,
Lee Pace, William Sadler, Diana Scarwid, Tracie Thoms |
Year of Production: |
2004 |
IMDb movie information page
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* phat_tonyca (Added movie on February 9, 2005)
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