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September Sessions, The

Synopsis: The film captures Kelly Slater during a major change of his life following his first retirement from the ASP circuit. Kelly had fallen into the trap of endless trade shows, store openings, and poster signings that became his life during his first retirement. By escaping both the trade shows and his former life of ASP competitions, Kelly sought to gain new levels in his spirit as he and his friends pulled into the keyhole at Hollow Trees in September, 1999. On the first morning, they awoke and stared at perfectly flawless waves.

Directed By: Jack Johnson Genre: Documentary / Music
Cast: Shane Dorian, Luke Egan, Brad Gerlach,
Jack Johnson, Rob Machado, Kelly Slater
Year of Production: 2002


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September Sessions, The
September Sessions, The (DVD, Not Rated)

Region: 1
Released: Dec-17-2002
Run Time: 28 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* LegoGuy02 (Added movie on February 19, 2024)

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