Enemy Mine
In this visually stunning sci-fi adventure, two warriors engaged in a savage, futuristic war between Earth and the planet Dracon, crash-land on a desolate, fiery planet. At first, the human (Dennis Quaid) and his reptilian, alien opponent (Louis Gossett, Jr.) are intent on destroying each other. But after battling the elements and each other, the two stranded pilots gradually realize that the only way either of them will survive is to overcome their undying hatred.
IMDb movie information page
Enemy Mine (DVD, PG-13)
Region: 1
Released: Mar-27-2001
Run Time: 108 minutes
Enemy Mine [Blu-Ray] (Blu-ray Disc, PG-13)
Region: Free (Blu-ray)
Released: Oct-9-2012
Run Time: 108 minutes
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