This sci-fi mystery miniseries follows a colony of humans halfway into a century-long secret space mission. When a young woman is murdered aboard the U.S. Orion-class spaceship, conflicts arise and the inhabitants question their purpose as the saviors of mankind. Based on the real-life Project Orion that was developed under President John F. Kennedy, "Ascension" boasts deep-orbit drama in a stylized setting.
Directed By: |
Mairzee Almas, Nicholas Copus, Rob Lieberman, Vincenzo Natali, Stephen Williams |
Genre: |
Drama / Mystery / Sci-Fi |
Cast: |
Brandon P. Bell, Gil Bellows, Jacqueline Byers, Tricia Helfer,
Brian Van Holt, Ellie O'Brian, Andrea Roth |
Year of Production: |
2014 |
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* mooviegoof (Added movie on October 7, 2023)
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