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Joker Game

Synopsis: Taking place in the year 1937 on the eve of World War II, the story involves a mysterious spy training organization known as the "D Agency." The organization is established by Lieutenant Colonel Yuuki from the Imperial Japanese Army. His ideals lead him to recruit people beyond military academy graduates and personnel, while training them to become skilled agents in arts of manipulation. These agents would become a specialized team to conduct operations. One such antihero agent, under the name Jirou Gamou, goes on a harrowing mission to uncover secret documents titled "Black Notes," while battling forces from within and without his own ranks.

Directed By: Hirotaka Mori, Sôji Ninomiya, Kazuya Nomura Genre: Animation / Anime / Drama / Thriller
Cast: Justin Briner, Josh Grelle, Brandon Potter,
Alejandro Saab, Patrick Seitz, Matt Shipman
Year of Production: 2016


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Joker Game: The Complete Series (Blu-ray + DVD Combo Pack)
Joker Game: The Complete Series (Blu-ray + DVD Combo Pack) (Blu-ray Disc, Not Rated)

Region: A (Blu-ray)
Released: Sep-26-2017
Run Time: 300 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on June 10, 2023)

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