Shoplifters of the World
In the Summer of 1987, four friends, reeling from the sudden break-up of the iconic British band The Smiths, embark on a night out of partying to mourn their musical loss. At the same time, an impassioned Smiths fan takes a local radio DJ hostage at gunpoint and f-rces him to play nothing but Smiths tracks. With the radio station playing as the soundtrack to their night, the friends go on a wild journey of self-discovery that will transform them forever. Featuring an incredible soundtrack including 20 songs from The Smiths Shoplifters of the World is a glorious ode to the craziness of the 80s and the power of music to change peoples lives.
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on April 27, 2021)
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