Young Hunter
Young Hunter, a tense new thriller from acclaimed writer-director Marco Berger (Absent, Plan B, Taekwondo, Hawaii) follows Ezequiel (Juan Pablo Cestaro), a fifteen year old boy on the cusp of his sexual awakening. While his parents are away, he meets a handsome, slightly older, seemingly-troubled bad-boy named Mono (Lautaro Rodriguez) and quickly starts a relationship. Mono invites him to his cousin's villa, to spend a weekend together, but while returning from the trip Mono disappears, no longer responding to Ezekiel's texts. Ezequiel is surprised and confused until Chino (Juan Barberini), Mono's cousin, sends him a hidden camera video of Ezekiel and Mono having sex, blackmailing him into making his own sex tape with a minor to be sold on the dark web, in order to keep his secret hidden.
Young Hunter (DVD, Not Rated)
Region: 1
Released: Oct-27-2020
Run Time: 101 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on December 20, 2020)
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