100 Streets
100 STREETS, a powerful ensemble drama, follows three contrasting and interwoven stories as they play out in one square mile of modern day London. A former rugby player, Max, struggles to find a life off the field while fighting to save his marriage to former actress Emily. Kingsley is a small time drug dealer desperately seeking a way off the street. While completing his community service for a misdemeanor, Kinsley meets Terence, a local thespian, who gives him the push he needs out of his dead-end life and into a very different, creative world. George, a cab driver, and his wife Kathy dream of having kids, but a devastating road accident puts their hopes on hold even testing their otherwise strong marriage.
100 Streets (DVD, NR)
Region: 1
Released: Mar-7-2017
Run Time: 93 minutes
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* black6q (Added movie on March 13, 2017)
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