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Orgy of the Dead

Synopsis: John and his girlfriend Shirley go in search of a cemetery in order to inspire John for writing his next horror story. After they crash the car, they wander into the graveyard and encounter the dancing dead, a full moon spectacle overseen by the Ruler of the Dark. Before long the couple is spotted and taken prisoner. Tied to stakes and forced to watch the dancing, they await their fate.

Directed By: Stephen C. Apostolof Genre: Adult / Cult / Film-Noir
Cast: Criswell, Pat Barrington, William Bates,
Mickey Jines, Barbara Nordin, Fawn Silver
Year of Production: 1965


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Big Box Of Wood
Big Box Of Wood (DVD, NR)

Region: 1
Released: Jul-26-2011
Run Time: 911 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* aslovacek (Added movie on October 24, 2015)

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