Based on the groundbreaking, cult classic anime, Kite tells the story of Sawa (India Eisley,The Secret Life of the American Teenager, Underworld: Awakening), a young woman living in a corrupt society where crime and gangs terrorize the streets. When Sawa's mother and policeman father are found victims of a grisly double homicide, she begins a ruthless pursuit for the man who murdered them. With the help of her father's ex-partner, Karl Aker (Samuel L. Jackson, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Avengers, Django Unchained), and a mysterious friend from her past (Callan McAuliffe, The Great Gatsby, I Am Number Four), she becomes a merciless assassin, blasting her way through the dark world of human trafficking only to uncover a devastating truth.
Kite (DVD, R)
Region: 1
Released: Dec-2-2014
Run Time: 89 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on December 3, 2014)
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