Stitch follows the story of grieving parents Marsden (Edward Furlong, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, American History X) and Serafina (Shawna Waldron) as they cope with the loss of their young daughter. At the height of their desperation, they follow their best friends Pirino (Laurence Mason) and Colline (Shirly Brener) into the deep desert for a healing ritual.
A freak electrical storm traps the two couples in an abandoned desert house. Cut off from the outside world, they face a sinister force. Something, or someone, attacks - ravaging each person with gruesome surgical scars. As the stitches rip skin and tear apart relationships, a battle for survival ensues.
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on February 14, 2014)
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