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How To Seduce A Virgin

Synopsis: The beautiful Countess Martine de Bressac is released from the expensive asylum where she was incarcerated after castrating her former lover. She returns to her luxurious villa on the coast and goes at once down into her private underground dungeon. It's here that she indulges herself in the perverse sexual practices that give her life meaning, surrounded by the bizarre human statues of her previous victims. Her husband, Charles, feeds his wife's sick fantasies, aware that she is his meal ticket to a life of luxury. He announces that he has a new game for her - they will befriend and seduce the young and virginal daughter of a rich neighbor.

Directed By: Jesús Franco Genre: Drama
Cast: Alice Arno, Alfred Baillou, Tania Busselier,
Howard Vernon, Robert Woods
Year of Production: 1973


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How To Seduce A Virgin
How To Seduce A Virgin (DVD, NR)

Region: 1
Released: Oct-8-2013
Run Time: 87 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on October 10, 2013)

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