Pokémon, the Movie, Black, Victini and Reshiram
Featuring two different versions of the same story, this fourteenth installment of the Pokémon animated film series follows Ash and his friends as they enter a battle competition in Eindoak Town. While at the competition, the group befriends mythical Pokémon Victini and, after disaster strikes and the misguided wanderer Damon seizes Victini for his own plans, Ash must prove himself a hero and earn the help of a legendary Pokémon, either Reshiram (Pokémon, the movie, black) or Zekrom (Pokémon, the movie, white), to rescue Victini and save Eindoak Town. - See more at: http://ottawa.bibliocommons.com/item/show/738275026_pokmon,_the_movie,_black,_victini_and_reshiram#sthash.XQGPKGyi.dpuf
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