Academy Award-winner Errol Morris (2003 Best Documentary - The Fog of War) follows the stranger-than-fiction adventures of Joyce McKinney, a former "beauty queen" whose single-minded devotion to the man of her dreams leads her across the globe and directly onto the front pages of tabloid newspapers. Joyce's crusade for love and personal vindication takes her through a surreal world of gun point abduction, manacled Mormons, oddball accomplices, bondage modeling, magic underwear and dreams of celestial unions. Equal parts love story, film noir, brainy B-movie and demented fairy tale, Tabloid is a delirious meditation on hysteria from a filmmaker who continues to break down and blow open the documentary genre.
Tabloid (DVD, R)
Region: 1
Released: Nov-1-2011
Run Time: 88 minutes
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* SirDonk (Added movie on April 26, 2012)
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