High Road
Directed by Matt Walsh, a co-founding member of the world-renowned comedy troupe Upright Citizens Brigade, High Road showcases a totally improvised script about Glenn "Fitz" Fitzgerald (James Pumphrey), a young man whose loyalties are split among his band, his girlfriend Monica (Abby Elliott) and selling drugs. After his band breaks up, Fitz finds himself dealing drugs out of his garage and bonding with 16-year-old Jimmy (Dylan O'Brien). As his former band mates find success and one of his drug deals goes awry, Fitz hits the road with Jimmy. Amid car chases, guns, broken bones, sassy cabbies and a suspicious doctor (Horatio Sanz), Fitz has to navigate their way to safe harbor - and he doesn't even know about the surprise Monica has in store for him back home!
High Road (DVD, R)
Region: 1
Released: Mar-6-2012
Run Time: 87 minutes
High Road [Blu-ray] (Blu-ray Disc, R)
Region: A (Blu-ray)
Released: Mar-6-2012
Run Time: 87 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on March 12, 2012)
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